Proton Therapy News Brief Roundup
Cancer Survivor Month Flash Mob
June is National Cancer Survivor Month, and we are joining with the rest of the UF Health Jacksonville Oncology departments to honor our survivors in a fun way! On Friday, June 2nd at the UF Health Jacksonville Clinical Center there was a flash mob celebration of our cancer survivors and our staff and providers who make this possible! We performed a ‘Cancer Survivorship Flash Mob’ to ‘Celebration’ by Kool & The Gang.

Dr. Mailhot Recognized at 61st Annual PTCOG Conference
Raymond B. Mailhot, MD, MPH was selected for the Young Investigator Award and was recognized at the Madrid 2023 – 61st Annual Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG) Conference. His abstract, Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of hypofractionated consolidative radiotherapy for mediastinal Hodgkin lymphoma, was submitted and led to the honor. The conference was held in Madrid, Spain, June 10-16, 2023.